Wasted Sim

Just recently I bought a Sun Sim card because I needed it to call Canon service center in Davao to inquire about my camera that’s in their care. My experience with them is not really that pleasant and I thought canon service center would be different from other camera repair shop because they only accept their own product to repair, but I guests you have to expect the unexpected. I’ve been calling them in pay phone two times already because the canon lady said the technician is still busy with previous line up repair and it’s not done yet. It’s just a waste of money calling them because they just to say the same alibi they always said ” To many line up repair to attend, it’s better call again after a few days again ” and maybe the canon lady heard my complaints in the phone while waiting for their reply about my camera condition. She gave me their sun cellular number and said I just call them again after a few days again. So, when I arrived here in cagayan I bought a sun sim card just for them, good thing is that the sim card is cheaper so I don’t have to worry about borrowing money just to buy the sim card. I think this sim card will be a waste because I don’t intent to repair my camera anymore, I just told my parents to get it when they have time to visit my niece in Davao and maybe I just let other camera shop repair it. It’s too expensive in canon service center, I need to pay almost 4 thousand for it, I might buy new one if that’s the case.