Stretching her Heart Out.

When my sister is still here planning on how to make her life progress and thinking if she will pursue applying for the PNP (Philippine National Police) she have other ways in making herself entertain and at the same time to be fit and to lost some weight. And I find-out about it, because of her cellphone, I wonder why she set her cellphone alarm twice a day and every time the phone alarms she will go in our room and every time she do that I’ll just ignore her but one day i notice some drawing written in a bond paper paste in our closet wall and in our salas that’s when i learn that she’s stretching. She search this online for her daily exercise and advice me to join her but I’m to lousy to do stretching, I get sleepy while exercising :no: . hehe but I like watching her sweating her ass just to lose weight. :-D :-D

and behold her drawings,,, Lol I wanted to upload the original but I don’t know how, she copy and paste the original in words, I did try to upload it but did not work so instead I took picture of her drawings.

I don’t know how she understand this stretching position but hey she understood, amazing girl. :dance:


Securing Your Family In The Future

I don’t know much about Life Insurance, all i know is that, it is a basis requirements of protection and financial stability of your family. The family will have “peace of mind” knowing that they will not result in financial hardship after a life insured member’s death and it is a policy also that people buy from a life insurance company and who can give you more information about life insurance, they can compare term life insurance quotes and rates online in all the top life insurance companies so you won’t be stressing yourself searching for an affordable term life insurance anymore. In a way wholesale insurance give me more knowledge about the importance in caring your family and that is by providing them financial security if life come to worst.


Friday Fill Ins

Hello Friday People! Lol, My Friday Fill.ins post..

And…here we go!

1. This week I wanted to go to the beach to bad it rain.

2. I shall returns next Friday again for Friday Fill.ins.

3. It’s all about me! money! me again! then money again.

4. I hate being in the sun. ?:-)

5. I demand you all to read my post Lol.

6. The rightt path, it’s filled with thorns.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to sleep early again, tomorrow my plans include thinking again and Sunday, I want to think hard again! sigh


Photo Sessions

One of our bonding time with my sisters or myself are taking picture in any position or location with or without companion. Maybe that’s what happen when you don’t have enough friends and you seldom go out to mingle and your a little antisocial which by the way the opposite of my birth sign Libra (what a shame). shameful as to what others thinks but that’s who we are, will a part of who we are. I just love taking picture of myself and everything around me to bad my camera was unfunctional if there’s such a word Lol.

Samples shots Lol:

Wanna be model.. :yes:

2nd wanna be model;


I wanted to upload more picture but i experiencing again the internet connection failure. :no:


Dental Needs

Brushing you teeth alone is not enough, twice a year you still need to go to a dentist for, that’s what the doctor advice when my sister went to a dentist to have her teeth check.up and looking for a cheaper Dental clinic is hard to find, I am not a Dentist or have been an employee of a Dental clinic but I know that once you have a Dental practice or any business in that matter, you have to considered all kinds of option especially when choosing a company or organization which can understand the flow of your business or practice, like the one’s that can give you good quality but affordable or the one’s that can give you big discount in your dental supplies so that you can save more in your supplies and at the same time enjoy your practice.