BC Bloggers Update


Hello to all Bloggers out there, BC Bloggers is back again to help bloggers gain backlinks by commenting and fill their blogrolls the fast and easy way and the BC Bloggers motto is , “We don’t have to beg for links.”

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The Questions Galore Meme, Part 1

My late entry and so sad I miss the last Sunday’s Sunday Stealing because I got busy with something. But it’s better late than never right? so here it is. hehehe!

Sunday Stealing: The Questions Galore Meme, Part 1

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Is there someone in your life you know you’d be better off without? None

2. Do you get criticized because of your body? Not really.

3. Did you kiss the last person you called? Yes,

4. When was the last time you danced? Last night.

5. Do you keep in mind other people’s feelings? Sometimes.

6. If you have a hang nail, do you pull it or clip it? Yes.

7. Who do you want to forget? None.

8. Who was the last person to send you a letter? I don’t remember.

9. Who did you last tell to shut up? Myself.

10. What’s the last thing that you smelt that smelt bad? hmmmmm thinking.

11. What’s your favorite cereal? Cococrunch

12. How do you feel when people lead you on, but they don’t even like you? Angry.

13. Could you live without sunlight? No, do you?

14. What’s something you know is bad, but you want to do it anyway? Secret.

15. What was the last thing you lied about? Secret.

16. Do you regret anything you’ve done in the past week? A little.

17. What was the last movie you bought? Columbiana and Horrible Bosses.

18. What is a sport you would like to do? Basketball.

19. When was the last time you felt like crying? Today.

20. Have you ever wanted to kill someone (not that you actually do it)? Many times.


My Father’s Sentiments

Just got home from roaming around the city and now listening to my father’s sentiment about my mother. Actually this is not new to me or to us, my siblings can vouch for it especially our youngest who knew and I know misses my father’s complains to my mother’s activities. And since I’m the only one left in the house so I have no choice, but to listen to him and say a few comforting words to calm him hehehe!. I can say to that my mother is always busy with her religious activities and the usual complaints of my father is money, not always around to take care of him and not giving him money for his pastime, which is cock fight. Ever since my mother got involve in her handmaid for Christ family, she becomes busy and sometimes spend all her money and I can’t blame her for it because they always travel, prepare for if they have Bible reading or something, transformation expenses since most of their members lives in far barangay and more. My father is the one adjusting to her, but even-thought they’re like cats and dogs most of the time, but in the end of the day I can hear them talk about it and it’s like they never argue a while ago.

That’s my father always make complains, but he still can’t do anything about it and just agree with my mother’s decisions because he doesn’t like confrontation. Funny right, but that’s the always situation in our house, my father loves my mother so much that he just make complains when my mother is not her to listen.


Friday Fill Ins

And…here we go!

1. How can I stop thinking those damn company representative, grrrrrr.

2. I’m still piss at the moment.

3. That summer, I never experience that summer.

4. It’s there decision and we respected that, even if I don’t really want to.

5. What was their problem anyway, it’s not that I’m gonna run, I still need the connection you know!.

6. They say that they would always stay in touch.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to on finishing my task, tomorrow my plans include going to the mall and chill and Sunday, I want to do the things I do last Sunday!


Few Days Internet Shutdown

Good thing it’s already Saturday and it’s a very wonderful day. I may not win any from the prizes in some of the giveaways I’ve joined at least today I could call it my lucky day because my internet connection has finally back. If my friend wasn’t eager to use the internet last Monday, I would not know that I’m having a disconnection problem. I thought that they did not send me a bill statement it’s their way of telling that they use the money for the installation fee, but no, they don’t even give me warnings and even a call telling that they will temporary disconnect our connection until I pay the previous bills which by the way was not I’m expected the amount would be. I wonder if the people at the Internet company need to enroll in online masters degree programs to figure out how to keep our Internet online.

However, the problem with the people in this company is that, when I call the company line they told me that they will make a report about not sending a bill statement and not reminding us that we’re very much behind with our payments. But I’ll stop complaining already, it makes me remember them., so my advice for those who subscribes to any internet connection company, we have to ask them every month if our bill is up before they will temporary terminate again the connection, it’s a self-service as far as I understand it.